
Request a Quote


Our mission is to provide you the most accurate quote based on a client’s needs.  All items with an asterisk* are mandatory and must be completed before the quote request can be submitted for review.  For the fastest service possible ,
Please call us at (866) 611-8434 or (561) 666-6417.  We are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

High Quality Care

Sky Nurses has an extensive global network of medical professionals that are highly

24/7 Rapid Response

Sky Nurses has an extensive global network of medical professionals that are highly

Safety & Response

Sky Nurses has an extensive global network of medical professionals that are highly


Sky Nurses has an extensive global network of medical professionals that are highly

GDPR Compliance

Sky Nurses maintains appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to ensure the continuing personal data security of EU-based residents.

Privacy Policy

Here at Sky Nurses, we respect your privacy and protect it seriously.  Our Privacy Policy covers the collection, use, and disclosure of information we collect through our website and services, www.skynurses.com, owned and operated by Sky Nurses, LLC.

We will never send you unsolicited mail or share your data with anyone else.  Furthermore, your financial information is only used to charge you for the service you are purchasing.  Your financial information will never be given to a third party (other than the credit card authorization processors).  If you have any concerns at all, please contact us, and we will address them quickly and seriously.